Strategy Game
Ongoing effort to create 2D stategy game
Strategy game gameplay

What am I doing?

After creating PolarityTD, I decided to work on a top-down strategy game. Struggling to finish projects without external deadlines, I discovered that dividing the project into bite-sized chunks and tackling them one at a time works best for me. Each game component should be relatively self-contained and reusable. To stay motivated and document my progress, I plan to share updates about this process.

What has been done already?

Visit the blog section of my page to read the full write-ups for the components listed below.

Dual Grid Tilemap

Tilemap preview Tilemap area highlighting using just 6 tiles

Path Drawing System

Path drawing preview Drawing a path based on tilemap coordinates

Snapping Cursor

Cursor preview Cursor that snaps to the grid

What do I plan to do?

Turn based battle architecture

  • How to organize the scenes for a turn based battle?
  • What responsibilities should each scene have?
  • How is data transferred between components?

Unit component

  • How fast should the animation be?
  • What options might it need?

Scene management

  • Do I need different transition animations?
  • Should I allow adjustments to the transition speed?
  • How should scenes be managed?
Well, that's a little embarrasing
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